Ambient Air refers to any unconfined portion of the Atmosphere or Outdoor air or Open Air in which all the living organisms live and breathe. It is a mixture of Gases, mainly Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Di-oxide and small amount of other gases. Ambient Air, its content & quality is directly affected by the day-to-day activities of humans, industries and so on. Air pollution occurs if there is any changes happen in the composition of gases in Ambient Air caused by smoke, dust, toxic gases, fumes, aerosols and odorants substances. Air Pollution from transportation, power generation, industrial and domestic source, can also change the composition of the Ambient Air. Air pollution may result in increased incidences of cancer, Respiratory and Cardiac disease etc.
Ambient Air Testing helps to assess the contamination levels to improve Ambient Air Quality. Air Quality Monitoring is carried out to assess the extent of pollution, ensure compliance with National legislation and provide data for Air Quality Modelling.

Using latest Technology, we can measure the concentration of pollutants in surrounding outdoor air. Experienced field services teams collect, store, handle and transport the samples to the Lab and then a Specialized team analyse the samples as per internationally recognized and locally accepted standard methods. As per the new regulations, proposed by Central Pollution Control board (CPCB) all twelve (12) mandatory parameters are analysed at our laboratory besides so many other important parameters.
Our Ambient Air Quality Monitoring services include:
- Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter or PM10
- Fine Particulate Matter or PM2.5
- Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)
- Sulphur Di-Oxide
- Oxides of Nitrogen
- Ozone
- Ammonia
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Heavy Metals (Lead, Nickel, Arsenic etc.)
- Benzene
- Fluoride
- Hydrogen Sulphide
- Formaldehyde
- Carbon Di-Oxide
- Chlorine
- Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Poly-Chlorinated Bi-phenyls (PCBs)
- Volatile Organic Carbon as BTX
Air testing improves Air Quality, helping protect human health and the Environment.
Polluted Air damages the Environment and affects the health of humans every year. Testing for contaminants helps us to improve Air Quality.
We provide testing services for:
- Ambient or Atmospheric Air – around plants, landfills or active sites.
- Indoor air – at schools, businesses and residences and at all client specific sites.
- Source Emissions – measuring gas stream emissions from industrial sources.
- Personal or industrial Work zone monitoring – measuring the surrounding air quality at the Work place.
Indoor Air Quality is directly involved with Employee/Workers Health so thus the Output/Performance of the Company. Poor Indoor Air Quality drastically reduces the Health condition of the occupants and reduce productivity and increase inefficiencies of personnel.
The US Green Building Council (USGBC) has developed the globally recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) to create Healthy, Highly Efficient and Cost-saving Green Buildings. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) or Indoor Air Quality Testing is one of the components of LEED.
ELESPL has skilled sampler and analyst for Indoor Air Sampling, Monitoring and Testing at Laboratory. We test a wide variety of different parameters that are typically relevant in an Indoor Air Quality program:
- Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter or PM10
- Fine Particulate Matter or PM2.5
- Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)
- Sulphur Di-Oxide
- Oxides of Nitrogen
- Ozone
- Ammonia
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Heavy Metals
- Benzene
- Formaldehyde
- Chlorine
- Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Volatile Organic Carbon as BTX
- In-house Environmental Temperature
- Relative Humidity Percentage
- Velocity of Air Flow
- Light Intensity or Illumination
- Airborne Spore, Mould & Bacteria Count
- Swab Test
Stack Emission Monitoring is often referred to the air monitoring of an Emission Point. Stack from different sources such as Boilers and Industrial processes like discharge from Bag filters, thermal oxidisers, Dg sets etc, will carry pollutants such as Sulphur Di-oxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Particulate Matter, solvents and other volatile compounds. This can have a detrimental effect on local air quality.
Air emitted from stacks and ducts must be tested for Pollutants, Particulate Matter, Gases and Fumes, and Vapours. Quantifying the type and amount of pollutants in the air emissions will allow:
- Compliance evaluation with existing or proposed emission regulations
- Quantification of financial losses from product escapes
- Collection of engineering data for control equipment design
- Assessment of the efficiency of installed Emission Controlling Equipment
- Collection of Emission Data for modelling
- Calibration of Continuous Monitors
ELESPL helps to identify the type and amount of contaminants in Emission Air. We have a wide range of Testing and Analytical services, utilizing the latest Instrumentation, including Isokinetic Samplers and latest technology Flue Gas Analysers. Expertize ELES personnel routinely collect samples from stack as per The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981.
Flue Gas Emission Testing includes below listed Parameters:
- Particulate Matter (PM)
- Sulphur Di-Oxide
- Oxides of Nitrogen
- Ammonia
- Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- Temperature
- Velocity & Flow Rate
- Heavy Metals
- Fluoride
- Hydrogen Sulphide
- Carbon Di-Oxide & Oxygen
- Chlorine
- Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
- Poly-Chlorinated Bi-phenyls (PCBs)
- Volatile Organic Carbons (like Benzene, Toluene, Xylene etc.)
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